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How Do Air Conditioners Actually Work?

It’s safe to say that nobody who lives in this area is a stranger to air conditioning systems. With the long, hot summer seasons we experience, melding into fall and sometimes even the start of winter, our AC systems run on a pretty consistent basis. Do you know exactly how your air conditioner effectively keeps your home cool though?

While it’s certainly not required to understand the science behind your air conditioner, it can be helpful to know as it will help you understand what’s wrong if your cooling system starts showing troubling symptoms. Keep reading to gain a basic understanding of how your AC system works.

Air Conditioners Do Not Generate Cool Air

This is actually a fairly common misconception—that air conditioners actually generate cool air. Technically, this is not the case. An air conditioning system actually removes heat from the air that already exists in your home. At this point, the refrigerant that is in your system starts to do its very vital job in order to provide you with the cool air you feel.

Refrigerant is the heat transfer fluid that your HVAC system is provided with upon installation, and is what’s responsible for removing heat from the air in your home. It does not work independently though—during the refrigerant cycle this fluid makes its way to the evaporator coil inside in your home. It’s then evaporated and absorbs heat in the process. The air around the evaporator coil is cooled, and then can be redistributed throughout your house via your ductwork—or refrigerant lines if you have a ductless system.

Of course, an air conditioner does have to expel itself of the heat it has absorbed. This is where the condenser coil comes in. The condenser coil is located in your outside unit, and once the hot refrigerant reaches it, it is condensed and its heat dissipates into the air outside. The compressor forces the refrigerant through this cycle until the desired temperature is met.

For quality air conditioning services in Houston, TX, contact Fresh Air, LP today!

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