Fraud Blocker Why a Bad AC Capacitor is Such a Problem - Fresh Air, LP

Why a Bad AC Capacitor is Such a Problem

One of the most common reasons we receive calls for air conditioning repairs is electrical system problems. There are a number of components, circuits, and connections that must work seamlessly in order for your cooling system to operate. Even the smallest component failure can negatively impact your air conditioner. When you notice any type of problem, do be sure to contact the professionals on our team right away.

In the meantime, we’d like to share with you one of the most important electrical components of your AC system, and what happens when one goes bad. The capacitors are what we’re referring too. Without these, the motors that power your compressor and fans wouldn’t be able to work. Keep reading to learn more about what capacitors do and what can go wrong when one begins to fail.

Air Conditioner Capacitors?

This component is similar to a short-term battery, so to speak. Capacitors are small, cylindrical objects which can store energy within an electrostatic field. They are attached to motors and either send a jolt to start the motor up (the start capacitor) or a regular series of jolts to keep the motor running (appropriately called the run capacitor). In your cooling system, capacitors work within three various motors: the compressor, the blower motor, and the outside fan.

What Happens When They Fail?

Capacitors can sustain damage in a number of ways. Excess power from a surge can impact them, and they can wear down to the point that they can no longer hold a charge. As a capacitor begins to fail, you will typically hear a clicking sound from within the cabinet.

When a run capacitor dies, then the motor to which it’s attached will still attempt to run, however, you’ll probably notice a humming sound instead of the normal noise that a running motor makes. Do not neglect this, as doing so can cause the motor to burn out and require a full replacement.

To schedule professional air conditioner repairs in Richmond, TX, contact Fresh Air, LP today!

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