Fraud Blocker Sounds That Spell Bad News for Your Heater - Fresh Air, LP

Sounds That Spell Bad News for Your Heater

We’ve all seen it in movies, those heaters that roar and rumble while they warm you home. While these noisy systems make for humorous conversations and awkward misconceptions on the TV screen, in reality, they are an indicator of a problem.

Have You Scheduled Furnace Maintenance Yet This Season

The issue here is this: while no heating system is completely silent while it runs, they really shouldn’t be making a racket. When your heater does emit loud and aggravating sounds, you should be calling for heating repair in Cypress, TX.

What You Want to Hear

To lay the groundwork, we want to be especially clear on what noise or noises you shouldn’t have to worry about coming from your heater. Like we said, no system is entirely silent but we don’t want anyone to panic. Here’s are some sounds you don’t have to stress over:

  • Whooshing: The whoosh of air from your vents or air handlers is the main sound you want to hear. This is a good sign that warm air is flowing unobstructed through your home.
  • Clicking: You may here a small amount of clicking when you turn your furnace on. This is the igniter trying to light the burners. Clicking should only be a problem if it lasts for more than a few minutes.
  • Crackling: When you shut your heater off you might hear crackling. This can be normal as it is the noise that a heater makes as it is cooling down.

What You Shouldn’t Hear

The next question is, of course, what the sounds are that should concern you. Let us tell you:

  • Rattling: Rattling in a furnace or heat pump isn’t a good sign. Best case scenario: a part is loose. Worst case scenario: the furnace’s heat exchanger is cracked which is a repair that should be taken care of ASAP.
  • Screeching: Screeching is a problem that can be caused by broken or worn out motor parts. This can be addressed with professional repairs.
  • Hissing: If you have a heat pump this could be caused by a refrigerant leak. In a furnace, it could indicate a leak in your ductwork. Both duct sealing and heat pump repairs can address these issues.
  • Clanging: Clanging is another noise letting you know there is a problem at hand, possibly with your ductwork. Have a technician check the sizing on your ducts.
  • Whistling: Your heater shouldn’t be able to hum a tune. If it is whistling, this is likely caused by an overly clogged air filter that needs to be cleaned or replaced.

No matter what the sound is or what is causing it, our professional team of HVAC technicians can get the repair need identified and addressed. We have been in business for a good long while which means we have a lot of experience under our belts. This allows us to not only be efficient when we come by for a visit, but it also means we can get the job done quickly so you can enjoy your day.

Don’t spend your time in discomfort. Contact Fresh Air, LP now to schedule your next heating repair.

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