Fraud Blocker What Will Heater Maintenance Prevent? - Fresh Air, LP

What Will Heater Maintenance Prevent?

As we progress closer to winter, although our temperatures certainly haven’t declined as much as they have in other parts of the country, it is the time of year that we remind our customers that it’s time for heater maintenance. Your heater inspection and tune-up is one of the most useful preparations you can make for your home this time of year. But we understand that it can be hard to understand the benefits of such a service if you don’t know what it actually prevents. Keep reading as we answer this inquiry.

Your System is Less Likely to Break Down Unexpectedly

Though our winters may not be as severe as they are in other places, they do get chilly, and the last thing you want during one of the coldest days or nights of the year is a heater breakdown when you need the system the most. But if your heater hasn’t been thoroughly inspected, then there is a much higher chance of that system failing on you mid-winter.

You’ll Typically See Lower Utility Bills

The costs to heat (and cool) your home can be relatively high. However they can be even higher if your heater isn’t working efficiently. It may very well not be working as efficiently as it could, if you skip the cleaning and adjusting that is done during heating maintenance.

A Shorter System Life

Depending on the type of heater you have inside your home, you can usually expect it to last between 10-30 years. However, a heater that doesn’t have routine maintenance may not reach halfway to its estimated service life. Annual maintenance will help see that you receive the best ROI on your heater. The good news is, it is never too late to schedule maintenance!

To schedule your professional heating maintenance appointment in Katy, TX, contact Fresh Air, LP today.

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